About Us


We are a church that believes in Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Whether you are new to the church or you’ve been leading your life with Christ; we want to say welcome! Our goal at Church is to create environments where you can encounter God personally, encouraged by the Word of God, inspired by the music, welcomed by our amazing brothers and sisters in Christ and be reminded that God’s grace is here!

Our Pastor

Joseph Ponnuthurai a servant of God preaching the Gospel in Grace of the Lord Ministries. His pastorals journey began in 2007 when he was ordinated as a Pastor.

Born in Catholic family and married to daughter of Hindu couple and accepted Hindu Spirits to be his God, lack of peace in the family, life was full of regrets and failures. When the family was in dreadful situation he was touched by the light and power of the Jesus Christ and accepted him as his God and personal savior. He developed his love for the Lord and felt a call to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Now a preacher rejoices in the Lord and shares Gospel of Jesus Christ. He is a man who is sincere to this calling, carrying the burden of the people in the prayer and gathering the sheep and bringing them to His fold.

We welcome you to join us at our weekly services to worship our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Vision

Grace of the Lord Ministries is a growing body of Christ with members united by the covenant to walk in the light of God’s word. Our roots can be traced back to the sixteenth chapter of Matthew where Jesus established his church. After many years of rapid advancement and countless souls transformed by the grace of God, we experienced a dark period when God’s truth was hidden under man’s traditions, creeds and opinions.

Today, we continue as the spirit-filled church in the book of Acts and are currently established in Sweden, Stockholm. We exist to glorify God by making disciples who will spread the message of Christ and his church to every nation on earth to lay the foundation for future generations to do the same until the time of Christ’s return!

Our mission

Serving God, Christianity is not just a religion – it is a relationship and daily life of service to God. We demonstrate our love for Him through our obedience to His word (John 14:15). Every area of our life must be submitted to God.

Loving Like Christ, Love toward one another is the hallmark of a child of God (John 13:35). The Bible describes God as love, and this selfless, compassionate attribute should be prominent in every believer’s life and service toward others.

Reaching The World, Jesus commands us to make disciples and share His love and the entire Word of God with all people. Before His return, we must reach every nation of the world (Matthew 28:19, 20).

Gathering All Sheep, Jesus never intended for His disciples to be divided but promised there would be “…one fold, and one shepherd” (John 10:16) for all of his children. This fold will provide for the protection and instruction of Christians.

Aiming For Perfection, Perfection carries the requirement of holy, pure living and the attributes of maturity and completeness. Matthew 5:48 encourages every Christian to “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”


Upcoming Events

Brothers Prayer
Sat, Feb 08
Brothers Prayer
Pray for Sweden and Israel
Sat, Feb 15
Pray for Sweden and Israel
Fri, Feb 28
Night Prayer